Employee Profile


This is the first step in the Employee Wizard and displays several tabs (Employee, Address, Attributes, Notes, and Picture) for recording personal identification information such as SSN, birthday, full name, address, picture, etc.

Attributes Tab

Enter employee demographic data as follows:


These fields are printed on the employee ID card and some additional employee reports.


Hair Color

Eye Color


Select the employee’s complexion (options from HR tab of Vision's Employee Master)


The employee’s gender


Used for EEOC reporting

HR Status

Status used for benefit-related coverage such as single, married with spouse coverage, married without spouse coverage, etc. (selections specified in Configuration; default value in Wizard Settings)

Vietnam Veteran

When checked, indicates that the employee is a Vietnam veteran

Disabled Veteran

When checked, indicates that the employee is a Disabled veteran

Other Veteran

When checked, indicates that the employee is a veteran other than above


When checked, indicates that this employee is included in a disability policy


When checked, indicate that the employee is a smoker


When checked, indicates that this employee is a U.S. citizen

Click to store your entries. Click on the next tab to edit, or click to proceed to Employee@Company.